The horn is one of the most misunderstood tools in a driver’s arsenal. Many drivers in Vancouver see it as […]
If there’s one tool most drivers seem afraid to use, it’s the horn. Somewhere along the way, it became taboo—like […]
Patience is often an overlooked skill in driving, but at Cooper’s Vancouver Driving School, I teach that patience is key […]
This skill is considered controversial in some locations, like B.C. specifically on a driving test. However, with my massive experience […]
I generally disagree with this practice, and yes, it has value in the right instance. Stop Sign Safety: Why “Double […]
Starting out as a new driver can feel like stepping into a whole new world. The first time you sit […]
Your eyes are your most important tool when you’re behind the wheel. At Cooper Driving School, we place a strong […]
Speed limits are set for a reason – to keep everyone on the road safe. Exceeding the speed limit may […]
Rethinking the true depth of blind spots may empower you to become a far more calm, relaxed and safer driver.