In today’s fast-paced world, multitasking is often seen as a valuable skill. However, when it comes to driving, multitasking can […]
come beat anxiety and driving
Learning to drive isn’t just about passing a test—it’s about overcoming deep-seated fears and anxieties. Many new drivers, find themselves […]
🔄Imagine seeing parking through the eyes of thousands of learners. 🤖📚What would they tell you are the top 5 focuses […]
cna you see clearly
The experience of seeing is so simple that most people don’t realize the complex biological and mental process behind it. […]
core skills for new drivers
Top of Wheel. Elbow hits your Hips. Grab One Standard Same Unit. New Drivers are NOT experienced drivers hence they […]
To change your fear, start by listening to it. Find a way to express this fear clearly. First step: Give […]
change is not easy
A big component of my teaching skills involve both context and content of the learning time. Listening carefully to a […]