Ever notice how drivers seem to move like a pack of wolves, all speeding, tailgating, and acting like there’s some unspoken rule about staying glued together? Welcome to the “Pac Mentality Floor” of traffic. It’s the idea that the safest thing to do is to follow the flow—even if that flow is breaking laws, cutting margins too close, or ignoring common sense. In Vancouver, where laws around speeding are strict and no-nonsense, this creates a major conflict. Do you follow the pack and risk breaking the law? Or do you hold back, risking the wrath of tailgaters who see you as a rock in the river?

The problem with this groupthink is that it’s built on habits, not safety. Take tailgating, for example. Most drivers here leave just a fraction of a second between their car and the one in front, a practice so common it feels like an unwritten rule. But here’s the truth: you need at least two seconds to react and stop safely in good weather. In rain? You’re looking at three seconds, minimum. But try leaving that space, and you’ll get someone breathing down your bumper so aggressively, it feels like they’re trying to push you to close the gap. It’s terrifying and unnecessary, but it’s part of the herd mentality.

At Cooper Driving School, we teach students how to break free from the pack. Safe driving isn’t about being the rock or the river; it’s about navigating the flow on your terms—calmly, confidently, and with maximum safety. Whether it’s learning how to manage tailgaters, building a healthy “bubble” around your car, or understanding the laws versus the flow, our advanced, stress-free driver training will give you the tools to drive smarter. Learn to drive without fear. Learn to drive calm.


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