Embrace Your Brakes

When it comes to safety, loving your brakes beats any affection you might have for the gas pedal. After all, it’s not just about propelling your 2000 kg steel beast down the road—it’s about mastering the art of controlled, calm movement. Think of it as the foundation for a long-lasting driving skill set that will serve you well as the years go by.

Seeing congestion ahead? A narrow passage? Pedestrians too close for comfort? That’s your cue to shift into a defensive mindset. Thumb over the horn, ready to give a polite toot if necessary, and your brake lights subtly signalling to the cars behind you. Foot learning against the brakes prepares your vehicle—and your mind—and rear traffic—for any sudden moves from the chaos that’s too close for comfort.

This is where the open-eye scan comes in, preemptively mapping out the landscape, anticipating a swerve or a lane change if needed, and managing the flow of traffic with finesse. Slowing down isn’t just about safety—it’s about control, about being ready for whatever the road throws at you.

Adopting a defensive posture is crucial for developing an instinctual awareness of the dangers lurking on the road, especially when you’re about to enter a tight spot at speed. And that’s where “Loving the Brakes” comes in—it’s your first step in not Joining the Party. As the years pile on and your foot naturally hovers over the gas, this skill becomes essential, especially if you’ve spent decades zooming past close calls without giving it much thought.

In fact, much of what’s taught in traditional driver education might unintentionally encourage you to disregard the very real risks you face when moving with the floor, the go go go, through tight spaces. This is your reminder to stay alert and embrace your brakes.


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